Online Escape Room Adventure

Hello everyone, Saturday May 16th we are going to attempt the escaperoom 'De verloren herinnering' ('The lost memory'). This is an escape room made by a lot of escape room owners working together to bring people a fun afternoon during corona times. The escape room is totally free (but you…

Netflix Movie Party

Hey there, do you love watching moves with friends than join the AT Netflix Party on May 8th at 20:00 hr. All you have to do is: 1. Subscribe to the event 2. Have a Netflix account 3. Download the Netflix Party extension on your chrome browser 4. Wait for…

AT pub quiz

Are you a know-it-al? Do you know a lot in specific areas, or do you happen to have a large generic knowledge? Or are you just looking for another fun and social evening? Then join our online pubquiz! It will be held Friday May 1st on Discord. More information is about to…

Online boardgame night

To keep everybody a bit busy and to maintain a bit of social coherence during these boring and/or lonely times we are haveing another online board game night. On Friday April 24th you can all join the AT Discord where we will give plenty of oppurtunities to play online board games. You…

AT meme competition

Over the past months you might have noticed an increasing amount of memes about survivalruns, AT or just general relatable stuff in the spam-app. Especially during these times where everybody is locked up in their home, these newly acquired memelords bring a sparkle of joy every once in a while.…

Hamster Cooking

Normally, if you would go to an event and the Cooking committee would prepare an awesome lunch or dinner.   This time we come to you and together we will cook an awesome meal that helps you get rid of all that Hamstering you did the past month. Together we…

Drawing with AT

"It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a...uhhhh...wait what?!"   On thursday the 2nd of April starting at 20:00 we are organizing an online pictionary event. So make sure to warm up those drawing muscles and get those creative juices flowing. All of the drawing prompts will be (somewhat) All…

Lustrum Gala FEL

This year our friends at FEL are celebrating their association turning 5! For this joyous occasion they are organising a lustrum gala to which we are all invited! The gala will take place on Friday the 20th of March. You can subscribe with the following link: For 25 euros…

Ice Skating

As All Terrainers we are able to cross all kinds of terrains, whether it is mud, rocks, sand or water. Now it is time to add one more terrain to that list and show our skills on ice because we are going ice skating. This event will take place on Thursday…

Sushi night

Do you like sushi? Than we got the event for you. Not only are we gonna eat sushi, we are gonna make it ourselves! During this night you will get the explanation, tools, and ingredients required to make your very own sushi. Various ingredients will be available to make numerous…