Ice skATing 2024

Although temperatures are still well above 0, there are some places where we can still enjoy the wintry atmosphere. 16th of January we will explore the ice ring of the ice centre in Eindhoven again with a group of AT people. It doesn't matter if you never ice skated before…

New Year’s Drinks

Happy 2024!!!! We hope you had a wonderful year of climbing in the constructions, swimming in the Dommel, mountain biking around Eindhoven, and at exchanges and races throughout NL. To celebrate surviv(al)ing another year and to get excited about the coming year join your fellow ATers for a sparkling celebration…

Saint Nicholas game night

The 14th of December Saint Nicholas already left the country but he still left an event. During these cold December days we would like to give you a cosy (Dutch style) event before the Christmas break. So snug in and sign up!   After getting to know each other better,…

Christmas Dinner

Dear All Terrainers,   That time of the year has arrived again: the AT Christmas Dinner! This year it will be on Saturday, the 9th of December, and again we will have a lovely meal prepared for you! And don't worry about the last train/bus that needs to take you…

AT Cocktailnight 🍸 2023

It's party time, it's time for getting to know all those AT people in an intimate setting, it's time to brew up your own drinks. In short: Cocktail-night time! And yes it is also suitable for those who don't drink alcohol since we will provide the ingredients for a set…

Cobo All Terrain

Dear members,   It is our pleasure to inform you that on May 9th 2023, the 33rd board of AllΒ Terrain was hammered in as follows:   Chairman – Stan Wijnen Secretary – Casper Michels Treasurer – Jurgen Dorsman External Affairs – Karel Schuller Outdoor Sports Commissioner – Xiao-Lan Bokma  …

Activity with student Scouting Eindhoven

On the 17th of October, we will have an exchange with the LEDstam, the student scouting of Eindhoven. We will do some survivalrun-related activities, as well as some scouting-related activities. Spoiler: there may be some campfires involved in the fun, so make sure that next to your sports clothing, you…

Halloween crafts

On this Friday the 13th we are gonna prepare our own creepy Halloween stuff. Always wanted to have chopped off fingers, lost legs or an extra head? This is your chance! But also if you just want a cute bat to hang around you are welcome.   There will be…

Slopend Gala

On Friday, November 10th, the third lustrum gala of our sister association of Delft: Slopend will take place! Put on your best clothes and take your date to an unforgettable evening with the theme Whispers of the Wilderness 🌴🐍🦎   The dress code: Black Tie optional πŸ‘—πŸŽ© When: November 10th…

Game night

On the 28th of september there will be a boardgame night! As the name suggest we will play board games, so bring your favourite games along! It will be a fun way to get to know the people of All Terrain or catch up after the holiday and the first…