AT Jeopardy

April 3rd,  it is once again time to show your trivia prowess. It is time for a new edition of the AT GameShow. This time, the popular gameshow Jeopardy is your battleground. Fight for the highest score, but more importantly, just have a lot of fun. The event will be…

Carnaval Infiltration Drink with a costume contest

It is time for the craziest celebration of the year for Lampegat. Carnival is here, which means dressing up, partying, and being sociable just before the Holiday break. During Carnival, we dress up as our true selves! Become a Pirate, a Monk, the Chairman of AT, or anything you desire.…

BOSSO game night (online)

Do you also miss the exchanges with our fellow student survival associations? We'll be able to see them again on the 21st of February. The second online Bosso exchange will give you the chance to compete with each other during the 🏆Bosso extravaganza evening🏆, which will be filled with original…

Krezie 88 (outdoor, indoor, offline and online)

It's time again for something fun! In this crazy game you are racing against each other and time. How does it work? You get a list of tasks. Your goal is to finish as many as possible in the set time and collect evidence by photo or video that you…

Pancake Evening (Online)

As per tradition, the board hosts a pancake evening once a year. During this event, the board will explain all there is to know about being part of the board of All Terrain. If you are thinking about becoming board next year or if you are curious about what the…

Board Game Night (Online)

With the current restrictions in place, we had to postphone some of our more offline events for January. Instead we are going to have some online fun! January 15th 20.00 will be the time of another board game night. We are simply going to play some good old fashioned games over the…

Christmas Dinner

This year the Christmas Dinner will be slightly different than usual, but the show must go on. We will be doing a part online part offline dinner by dividing across different addresses in Eindhoven. Each group will get a different dish to prepare for everybody and then we will exchange…

Knotting Course (23 & 30 Nov)

Our yearly knotting course is coming up once again! If you want to learn how all those skilled All Terrainers are able to create sturdy constructions and obstacles with rope and knots, this is for you! November 23th and November 30th, we will give the course. It starts at 19.00 and ends…

BOSSO Pubquiz

Unfortunately we can't see our friends from other student survivalrun associations across the Netherlands anymore because of the pandemic. But they miss us too, that's why the BOSSO is organizing a pubquiz! You'll be able to test your combined knowledge on the 8th of November at 20:00 on the BOSSO…

AT Halloween

To kick back and relax after a week of exams and get your mind on something else for a moment we organize a night full of treats in a Halloween setting. We have 3 consequent parts from which you can pick which ones you want to join.   Baking workshop…