Ice skATing 2025

February 18th @ 20:00 - February 18th @ 22:00

On the 18th of February, for the third year in a row we will explore the ice ring of the ice centre in Eindhoven with a group of AT people. It doesn’t matter if you never ice skated before and want to try out or know how to “klapschaats” and fly around the ring, there is plenty of room for all levels. The AC will provide some snacks and beverages. So if you like to join the fun, please subscribe!
The skating rink will open at 20:00 and closes at 22:00. If you have your own skates bring them, if not you can also rent them there. Also, don’t forget to bring some gloves as they are mandatory to wear while ice skating.
There is a special student discount. To get the discount you need to ask for an ice skating sticker at the SSCE. More info about the discount can be found on the SSCE website with the following link:
We hope to see you all there.

Details and Registration

Date and Time
2025-02-18 20:00
2025-02-18 22:00

For more information or registrations please login first.

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