Like every year we could use your help immensily to get every new student to know All Terrain is there!
This year the Introduction time runs from Monday 22nd of August to Friday 26th of August.
We could use your help at the following times:
Monday 22nd of August
8.00-9.00 Limbopad
evening building up market TU campus
Tuesday 23rd of August
morning building up market TU campus
13.00-18.00 intro market TU campus
18.00-.. taking down obstacles on TU campus
Wednesday 24th of August
morning building up city market
12.00-17.00 intro city market (Anne Frankplantsoen)
17.00-.. taking down obstacles in Anne Frankplantsoen
Thursday 25th of August
9.00-10.30 building up for workshops
11.00-12.00 workshop round 1
12.30-13.30 workshop round 2
14.00-15.00 workshop round 3
15.30-16.30 workshop round 4
16.30-.. taking down obstacles
You can sign up via this form
2022-08-22 08:00
2022-08-25 19:00