Upcoming Events

BOSSO Exchange FEL 2025

Hey everyone, On Saturday March 29 it's time for the next BOSSO exchange! This time in the wonderful city of Nijmegen, at NSSV FEL!! The training starts at 15.00 and ends at 17.00. Afterwards, it's possible to eat together (probably ordering at own costs) by a nice campfire.

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Make sure to also subscribe below, so we know who is going. See you there!
2025-03-29 15:00
2025-03-29 18:00

Survival Strijd Delft 2025 (NSK)

On Saturday, the 3d of May, the Slopend Survivalstrijd will take place in Delft. This year, they will be hosting the Dutch Student Championships (woohoo!) Take on the challenge, and see how fast you can complete the course! There is also a 6km individual, 6km group run, 9km individual, and a 9km recreational run. You can subscribe for the run  here   (recreational subscriptions open on the 8th of March) Please also subscribe on our website so we can arrange transport.       
2025-05-03 09:00
2025-05-03 19:00

SurviFELrun 2025

On the 18th of May, The surviFELrun is happening again! This run takes place in Nijmegen, and is organized by our sister association FEL. There is an 8k run, a 5k run and a 5k team run.   You can sign up via this LiNK (subscriptions open 19th of January)   Please also register below , so we know for how many people we should arrange transport.
2025-05-18 08:00
2025-05-18 16:00

All Terrain Survival Challenge 2025

Hi All Terrainers, Besides joining a lot of survival runs, did you know that we host an incredible survival run ourselves every year on the campus? This year the run will be held on the 24th of May. However, to do so, we need your help. What’s in it for you?
  • – You get to do the run for free the day before together with other All Terrainers
  • – We provide you a full lunch on the day of the run
  • – It is guaranteed to be a lot of fun!
We need your help during the run itself to oversee obstacles and make it safe and enjoyable for everyone. Also, we need help to build all the obstacles beforehand, in the two weeks time before the run. This is not only fun but gives you an opportunity to practise all the knots. Off course, we will provide the tools, training, and food required to build the obstacles. Thank you very much in advance Click and subscribe below:               Here                  
2025-05-24 09:00
2025-05-24 17:00

Past Events

Christmas Dinner!!

Dear All Terrainers, That time of the year has arrived again: the AT Christmas Dinner! Join us on Sunday the 15th of December for an evening filled with lovely food and holiday spirit! And if you do not live in Eindhoven and need a place to sleep, don't worry we've got you covered 🙂 So now is the time, rush to the bottom of this page, fill out the sign up form and most importantly get hyped!!!!! Hope to see you all there! *Note there are limited spaces available(18 in total). After this, you will be put on a waiting list. It’s first come, first serve, so be quick!
2024-12-15 18:00
2024-12-15 23:00

BOSSO Exchange Moddervet 2024

During a BOSSO exchange members of all the Dutch student survivalrun associations will come together to train at one of the other association's construction.
The next exchange will be on the 30th of September at G.S.S.V. Moddervet in Groningen!! The training will start at 15.00 and afterwards there will be an opportunity to have dinner together!
The training will be at the Hommes Survival and Outdoor track on Zernike Campus (Location)
  • Don't forget to also subscribe via the

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2024-12-14 15:00
2024-12-14 22:00

Cobo All Terrain 34th board

Dear members,
  It is our pleasure to inform you that on May 21th 2024, the 34th board of All Terrain was hammered in as follows:   Chairman – Joost Baars Secretary – Isabella Canavan Treasurer – Jerzy Trcka PR Officer – Karel Schuller Activities officer – Bartosz Sójka   To celebrate this, we would like to invite you to our constitution drink on December 10th in the bierkelder (beer basement) of the Belgisch Biercafe (Stratumseind 95, 5611 ER Eindhoven), starting at 20:00.   Also please keep in mind that three of the five board members do not drink alcohol. Best regards / Met vriendelijke groet, The 34th Board of All Terrain
2024-12-10 20:00
2024-12-10 23:00

Tartaros Campus Challenge 2024

On the 8th of December, the infamous Tartaros Campus challenge will take place again. They will have the 6km and 9km categories again, and the run will take place on the beautiful campus in Enschede. This is a great run to try out for your first survivalrun, but also a nice challenge for more experienced runners. For this run, we will join with a whole group of AT’ers. After you finish, or before you start, you can join our picnic and encourage other AT’ers. After the run we will have dinner together. You can sign up here: https://www.uvponline.nl/uvponlineF/inschrijven/469 Also make sure to register down below so you can join transport.
2024-12-08 08:00
2024-12-08 18:00

Saint Nicholas game night

The 3th of December Saint Nicholas we would like to give you a cosy (Dutch style) traditional way of celebrating Sint Nicholas. So snug in and sign up!   We'll play a dice game with presents. For this, you are asked to bring wrapped presents. At least one of these presents should be something you already have in your house (Yes this is the ideal way of getting rid of that present Saint Nicholas got you this year in case you didn't like it :p). The other presents should be bought with a budget of 5 euros (can be one or multiple). You don’t know who will receive your gifts beforehand.   The committee will arrange snacks and drinks. The costs for this will be split afterwards, although we can already tell you that All Terrain will also pay for some Sinterklaas goodies to keep up the good atmosphere and we expect the costs to stay below 5 euro.   We are hoping to see you all and make a wonderful cosy Sinterklaas out of it! Have trouble signing up, not yet a member? Please contact activities@allterrain.nl and we'll figure it out ;-).
2024-12-03 20:00
2024-12-03 23:00

Survivalrun Groningen 2024

On the 1st of December, there will be another survivalrun in Groningen. This will be a cool run that passes through the training grounds of our friends at GSSV Moddervet.  If you are afraid that Groningen is very far away, don’t worry: it’s actually just as far away as the run in Enschede that takes place the week after! (if you go using public transport) They have duo and individual distances for the 8,5km and the 5km. The 5km is a great distance to try out for your first ever run. You can sign up here: https://www.uvponline.nl/uvponlineF/inschrijven/433
2024-12-01 08:00
2024-12-01 21:31