6th lustrum of All Terrain
To celebrae the 6th lustrum of All Terrain on a small scale the Lustrum Committee will organize a small event on the 1st of July. The event will consist of an afternoon program followed by a BBQ. Both will be at the Student Sportcentrum of the TU/e (More location details below). As stated in the previous mail participation to either of the BBQ or the afternoon program can be done individually. There will however be a maximum of 50 participants due to corona limitations.
13:00 - 16:45: afternoon program (0-3 euro)
- Some sportive activities and/or boardgames
- Might get wet, bring dry clothes (showers of SSC are open again)
- Includes some some snacks and drinks
18:00 - 21:00: BBQ (15-20 euro)
-Price includes several drinks, but if your a heavy drinker you should bring some coins for additional bevarages
The price ranges are what we expect. The actual costs will be determined afterwards.
The Lustrum Committee is dedicated to organizing a full and more comprehensive lustrum event next year. One which will include more activities over a longer period of time and will not be constraint by the current coronavirus pandemic. The current event is hence not a replacement of the actual event. It is merely a small scale event organized by the lustrum committee since they were already available to organize something in this period of time.
We hence hope to see most of you next year aswell!
2021-07-01 09:00
2021-07-01 21:00