With the summer time upon us the world is calling out to enjoy some outdoor leisure. To do this properly in COVID19 time we like to be inspired by the higher society of past days who were practiced in socializing while keeping an appropriate distance.
As such we want to cordially invite you to partake in our High Tea* picknique. The general idea: As a contribution you prepare a dish in High Tea* style and at the picknique the bites are exchanged. Don't panic, though, preparing a dish doesn't need to be complicated (e.g. sandwiches) or could even just be purchased (e.g. quiches). Some leisure games and drinks will be provided and possibly even a little hunt beforehand.
Some directions on the food
There is a wide range of dishes which fall within the High Tea* theme both savoury and sweet: Cakes, pastries, scones with cream and marmalade, sandwiches, cream wraps, quiches. To keep the offer a bit balanced, we'd like to know what you are preparing, but you can also let us know after registration (in which case you can fill that in in the form). The amount is approximately what you need to skip dinner and replace it with a light soup. As we have COVID around, we ask you to take extra care in preparing (wash your hands and such) and precut the dishes.
Bring yourself:
- Bites for exchange
- Cutlery, plate and a cup
No monetary contribution is required to participate.
* High Tea is used here as what in Britain is referred to as Afternoon Tea
2020-08-09 15:30
2020-08-09 19:30