BOSSO Exchange
Dear survival enthusiasts, it's time to do some BOSSO exchange again. All Terrain is privileged to do the first one of this season! For those who don't know what BOSSO means: Its the 'Bestuurlijk Overkoepelend Studenten Survival Orgaan' which loosly translates to 'Awesome National Student Survival Association'. So with a bunch of student we're going to do survival and other student stuff which may involve beer. This time we even got some special guests to show us how to combine sports with healthy food. During the exchange we'll try to set up a interesting training for everyone. After a shower we can get some food all together at Ajaxlaan 29 in Eindhoven (800 m from the sports center).
The costs for the food and beer will be 6 euro per person. If you want food, please select the checkbox with the registration and transfer the money to NL93 INGB 0000 1293 93 on the name of Eerste Studenten All Terrain Sportvereniging, please also note your name and BOSSO Exchange in the description.
2017-11-19 14:00
2017-11-19 16:00