Past Events

GreAT Outdoors: Bouldering at the SSC

  Are you ready to improve your arm strength? Are you into more training that has to do with "the floor is lava"? Enjoy our weekly bouldering session at the SSC! Learn tips and tricks on how to get to the top 🙌   This bouldering sessions will be the perfect preparation for some outdoor bouldering in spring! ✌️✌️  

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2023-11-16 19:00
2023-11-16 20:30

Cobo All Terrain

Dear members,
  It is our pleasure to inform you that on May 9th 2023, the 33rd board of All Terrain was hammered in as follows:   Chairman – Stan Wijnen Secretary – Casper Michels Treasurer – Jurgen Dorsman External Affairs – Karel Schuller Outdoor Sports Commissioner – Xiao-Lan Bokma   To celebrate this, we would like to invite you to our constitution drink on November 14th in Kafee Kix (Stratumseind 75A, Eindhoven), starting at 20:00.   Because of medical reasons, the ‘pedel’, Sanne van Dam, and the ‘pedelstok’ are not allowed to be ‘brassed’.   Also please keep in mind that three of the five board members do not drink alcohol. Best regards / Met vriendelijke groet, The 33rd Board of All Terrain
2023-11-14 20:00
2023-11-14 23:00

BOSSO Exchange Slopend

Heyoo fellow Survivalrunners,  

We are very excited to announce that the next BOSSO exchange will take place in Delft! On Saturday the 11th of November from 15:00-17:00 you are all welcome to come train and explore Slopend's training course. After the training there will be the possibility to have some drinks and dinner together. Feel free to bring some games for extra gezelligheid.   So sign up here!

  Cost of dinner will be 5 euro (pay by tikkie or card) and drinks will be at own expense   The training starts at the blue container: (51.9942966, 4.3724590) Mekelweg 8, Delft: walk straight through the main entrance past all the sportfields   Hope to see you there!
2023-11-11 15:00
2023-11-11 17:00

Slopend Gala

On Friday, November 10th, the third lustrum gala of our sister association of Delft: Slopend will take place! Put on your best clothes and take your date to an unforgettable evening with the theme Whispers of the Wilderness 🌴🐍🦎   The dress code: Black Tie optional 👗🎩 When: November 10th 19:00-01:00 Where: Barbaar, Delft Tickets: Click here. You can subscribe until the 15th of October. There is more information in the form, for instance about the dinner service 🍝   For the subscription form "What is your relation to Slopend", answer with: "I'm a member of a BOSSO association"   See you then!!🌴🐒🎋
2023-11-10 20:00
2023-11-10 23:00

Woest Gala

Hey everyone! As the youngest student survivalrun association, WOEST will celebrate its first lustrum this year! They will kick off this lustrum year with a big gala in Wageningen on the 2th of November. We are invited for this amazing event. There will be unlimited drinks, including the locally brewed Wagenings Blond, and several rounds of snacks. You can enjoy all of this from 20:30 till 1:00 for only 34 euro's.   Tickets: Here   --- Note: it is not yet sure if sleeping places will be available, more information will come later ---
2023-11-02 20:30
2023-11-02 23:00

GreAT Outdoors: Mountainbiking on the Stratumse Heide

Gravelbiking or Mountainbiking during the day at the Stratumse-Groote Heide! Scan & Go possible. There are multiple routes available: Distances MTB with arrows and GPS: 30/42/55km Distances Gravel with GPS only: 60/80/100km Helmets are a must if you come with your own mountainbike. Subscribe before October 26th if you want to rent a mountainbike!   Also subscribe on the website: Here (
2023-10-29 08:30
2023-10-29 16:00

Activity with student Scouting Eindhoven

On the 17th of October, we will have an exchange with the LEDstam, the student scouting of Eindhoven. We will do some survivalrun-related activities, as well as some scouting-related activities. Spoiler: there may be some campfires involved in the fun, so make sure that next to your sports clothing, you also bring clothes that you can sit next to a campfire with. It will be lots of fun, so make sure to register below!
2023-10-17 20:00
2023-10-17 21:30

Outdoor Valley Survivalrun 2023

Subscriptions have opened for the Outdoor Valley survivalrun in Rotterdam! There are many different categories to choose from, beginner or advanced, everyone can join. On October 15 the run will take place with the following categories:
  1. 8KM individual heavy
  2. 8KM duo
  3. 5KM individual
  4. 5KM duo
  5. 5KM team light
Registration is open and possible until 08-10-2023 (except if it is full before…) but it is cheaper to register before 25-09-2023 ! You can register here for the run If you want to start together with another member in an individual run, please search in the ‘samenstartverzoek’ field for a member that has already subscribed for the run.
2023-10-15 10:00
2023-10-15 18:00

Halloween crafts

On this Friday the 13th we are gonna prepare our own creepy Halloween stuff. Always wanted to have chopped off fingers, lost legs or an extra head? This is your chance! But also if you just want a cute bat to hang around you are welcome.   There will be some costs, but we strive to keep the costs below 5 euros. Some snacks or drinks are provided. For the more extensive crafts we will pick an extra date to finish it up.   If we are lucky with the weather and the training we might show the results around Halloween in the construction ;-).   Not a member yet? Contact and we'll figure it out.
2023-10-13 20:00
2023-10-13 23:00

Great Outdoors: Mountainbiking

  Are you ready to experience the rush and thrill of being in the Great Outside? Introducing the great outdoor experience: Mountain Biking. In these first outdoor experience sessions, we will cover:
  • - Adjusting the mountain bike for your size
  • - Postures: basic and more aggressive
  • - Techniques for braking, braking with your front wheel, braking with your back wheel, emergency stop
  • - Technique for shifting
  • - Technique for slaloming and (sharp) curves
  • - Do's and Don'ts while mountain biking through routes
  Join us at OpNoord Eindhoven, and let's GO conquer the roads together!
2023-10-09 18:00
2023-10-09 21:00