Past Events

Intro Weekend 2023

Did you just join All Terrain and want to get to know the other members while enjoying a wonderful outdoor weekend? Or are you an older member that knows how much fun the All Terrain weekends are?  For all of you we have the introduction weekend!   This will be a weekend full of outdoor activities, lots of food, and much more! And it's a great way to get to know the other members. The cost of the weekend is expected to be around 65 euros.   There are limited spots available, so subscribe fast. The subscriptions will close on Oktober the 4th at 21:00.
2023-10-06 16:00
2023-10-08 16:00

Great Outdoors: Mountainbiking

  Are you ready to experience the rush and thrill of being in the Great Outside? Introducing the great outdoor experience: Mountain Biking. In these first outdoor experience sessions, we will cover:
  • - Adjusting the mountain bike for your size
  • - Postures: basic and more aggressive
  • - Techniques for braking, braking with your front wheel, braking with your back wheel, emergency stop
  • - Technique for shifting
  • - Technique for slaloming and (sharp) curves
  • - Do's and Don'ts while mountain biking through routes
  Join us at OpNoord Eindhoven, and let's GO conquer the roads together!
2023-10-02 18:00
2023-10-02 21:00

BOSSO Exchange Moddervet

During a BOSSO exchange members of all the Dutch student survivalrun associations will come together to train at one of the other association's construction.
The next exchange will be on the 30th of September at G.S.S.V. Moddervet in Groningen!! The training will start at 15.00 and afterwards there will be an opportunity to have dinner together!
The training will be at the Hommes Survival and Outdoor track on Zernike Campus (Location)
Don't forget to also subscribe via the form: (the deadline for signing up is the 28th of september)
2023-09-30 15:00
2023-09-30 22:00

Game night

On the 28th of september there will be a boardgame night! As the name suggest we will play board games, so bring your favourite games along! It will be a fun way to get to know the people of All Terrain or catch up after the holiday and the first few weeks of the new schoolyear. So be sure to join!   Playing all those games will make you thirsty, so snacks and drinks will be provided. The cost will be at maximum 2 euro. The address is Sebastiaan van Noyestraat 7.   If you want to join, subcribe in the form below and we hope to see you all there!
2023-09-28 19:30
2023-09-28 23:00

Great Outdoors: Mountainbiking

  Are you ready to experience the rush and thrill of being in the Great Outside? Introducing the great outdoor experience: Mountain Biking. In these first outdoor experience sessions, we will cover:
  • - Adjusting the mountain bike for your size
  • - Postures: basic and more aggressive
  • - Techniques for braking, braking with your front wheel, braking with your back wheel, emergency stop
  • - Technique for shifting
  • - Technique for slaloming and (sharp) curves
  • - Do's and Don'ts while mountain biking through routes
  Join us at OpNoord Eindhoven, and let's GO conquer the roads together!
2023-09-25 18:30
2023-09-25 21:00

ESSF Diamond Lustrum Party – Cantus

Dear association, umbrella or friend of the ESSF,
As you probably have already heard, is the ESSF 60 years old, which means.... PARTY! This party will take place on the 21st of September at the Flux field and we would love to see as many of you! So tell your board mates, members and friends to all come to our fun fair and incredible beer cantus.
You can join the fair for free and for the cantus you can get your ticket at If you're in time you can still get the early bird tickets of 9,99!
With *sparkling* regards,
2023-09-21 19:30
2023-09-21 22:30

ESSF Diamond Lustrum Party – Fair

Dear association, umbrella or friend of the ESSF,
As you probably have already heard, is the ESSF 60 years old, which means.... PARTY! This party will take place on the 21st of September at the Flux field and we would love to see as many of you! So tell your board mates, members and friends to all come to our fun fair and incredible beer cantus.
You can join the fair for free and for the cantus you can get your ticket at If you're in time you can still get the early bird tickets of 9,99!
With *sparkling* regards,
2023-09-21 13:00
2023-09-21 17:00

Great Outdoors: Mountainbiking

  Are you ready to experience the rush and thrill of being in the Great Outside? Introducing the great outdoor experience: Mountain Biking. In these first outdoor experience sessions, we will cover:
  • - Adjusting the mountain bike for your size
  • - Postures: basic and more aggressive
  • - Techniques for braking, braking with your front wheel, braking with your back wheel, emergency stop
  • - Technique for shifting
  • - Technique for slaloming and (sharp) curves
  • - Do's and Don'ts while mountain biking through routes
  Join us at OpNoord Eindhoven, and let's GO conquer the roads together!
2023-09-18 18:30
2023-09-18 21:00

Survivalrun Udenhout 2023

The first run of the new college year is open for subscription, Udenhout! Many options for different categories, from beginner to advanced, are possible. On Saturday the 16th of September the options are:
  1. Rookie 5.5 km: individual
  2. Rookie 5.5 km: duo
  3. Recreanten 7 km: individual
  4. Recreanten 7 km: duo
On Sunday the 17th of September the options are:
  1. Lange Survival Run (LSR): Competition-license necessary
  2. Middellange Survival Run (MSR): Competition-license necessary
  3. Recreanten 18 km (heavy): Individual from 18 year (3 points can be obtained)
  4. Duo-run 18 km (heavy): Duo-run from 18 year
  5. Recreanten 12 km (kinda heavy): Individual (2 points can be obtained)
  6. Grouprun 12 km (kinda heavy): 4-person run
  7. Duo-run 12 km (kinda heavy): Duo-run
Registration is open and possible until 13-09-2022 (except if it is full before…) but it is cheaper to register before 28-08-2022! You can register directly here for Saturday, and here for Sunday. More information can be found here. If you want to start together with another member in an individual run, please search in the ‘samenstartverzoek’ field for a member that has already subscribed for the run.
2023-09-16 10:00
2023-09-17 19:00

ATOE Exchange

On the 12th of September the Activity Committee (AC) of All Terrain will have an exciting activity ready in collaboration with the AC of Okawa and the AC of ESAC! The AC's boiled up 3 funny games for you connected to each of our own sports. The games will be played in teams which consist of a mix of each association. We need you to show up in great numbers to defend our honor and show our participation! Next to that, of course, we anticipate great fun and it is also for free! So don't miss out!   If you are joining the dinner than we will gather at 17.30 at Hubble At 19.00 we start gathering at the field next to Hubble, at 19.30 we'll commence the games and we hope to hit of the grand finale @21h and be done around 21.30/22.00ish, after which more friendliness is anticipated. Below you can indicate if you want us to reserve a spot for you at Hubble to eat together beforehand (at your own expense) and meet your friends and foes of the evening. Since we are going to mix teams between associations we can't guarantee with whom you are placed in a team, but if you have any preferences, you can let us know below and we'll take it along in our considerations.   Some usefull items to bring along are: For kayaking:
  • Towel
  • Swimming clothes
  • Dry clothes
For survivalrunning:
  • Bring outdoorshoes
  • regular allterrain clothing
For bouldering:
  • SSC sportscard (make sure to extend it if needed!)
  • Normal shoes/bouldershoes
2023-09-12 17:30
2023-09-12 22:00