Hello everyone, the new survival season just started and the first survival run is already behind us. For me, joining one of these is one of the best ways to spend my Saturday or Sunday afternoons and from now on, I’d like to reflect on these runs as well by reviewing them after the fact. This way, we might be able to build some sort of archive, with experiences from me and others All Terrainers, which we are able to share in a meaningful way. Along with the things I liked and disliked about a particular run, I will also give the its difficulty, which can tell you what experience in the sport you need in order to have fun with the course, whilst challenging yourself to go until your limit. I divided the experience levels in 3 groups for the Trainee training group and in 3 groups for the Advanced training group (check the table below, including the type of survival run that may generally fit that group).

Group Description Survival Runs
Z People who just started All Terrain, who still have difficulties with the fundamentals like rope climbing or doing a monkeyhang. 5k Rookie/Student run

(i.e. Tartaros or Fel run)

T1 Trainees that know the proper technique, but have difficulty consistently executing the proper technique on fundamental obstacles. 5k run

(i.e. Dinxperlo 5k, Udenhout)

T2 More experienced Trainees, who got the fundamentals down, but lack the best technique, strength and stamina. >7k runs (easier KSR’s)

(i.e. Dinxperlo 7k)

A1 Proper Technique, lacking in some areas like strength KSR
A2 I dunno, probably pretty good Difficult KSR’s/MSR
A3 Superhuman MSR and beyond


Obviously, you can take these descriptions or recommendations with a grain of salt and you make your own decisions about what kind of survival run you want to do and how fast you want to complete that run. However, don’t be afraid to punch above your weight. Some of my favorite runs were failures in the sense that I did not complete them, but they did successfully show me where I could improve myself. Plus, the gratification you get when you demolish the course the following year makes it all the more satisfying.

Back on topic, I will be doing reviews of the runs I will be doing the coming year, but I will also ask others to do some work for me when I get the chance, to get another perspective. With the reviews we will create we can help future All Terrainers in deciding which runs they want to do and which difficulty they want to overcome (since difficulty remains roughly the same for runs over the years). Obviously if there are questions now about upcoming runs and their difficulty/fun factor, you can always just ask somebody experienced (like Justin or me), who might be able to tell you all about it.
Without further ado, let’s check out, what Udenhout is all about: https://allterrain.nl/review-survivalrun-udenhout/