CarnavALL Terrain

February 21st @ 17:00 - February 21st @ 23:00

Carnaval is almost upon us and that means it is time to dress up and have a fun time here in Eindhoven.

What is Carnaval you say?!? It is a tradition of all the provinces below the rivers to at least once a year dress up and make belief you are a character or object you love. All this while listening to crappy dutch music and sing-a-longs.


This year we have a nice coordinated app where everyone who wants to participate can join and party together. So if you want to see your AT friends in a different setting or you want to experience Carnaval for the first time. This is your moment to shine and subscribe here.

Join the chat here

The date is currently set to Friday 21st of February. More dates may come available if enough ATers want to go.




Details and Registration

Date and Time
2020-02-21 17:00
2020-02-21 23:00

For more information or registrations please login first.

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