What is a survivalrun?
Survivalrunning is one of the toughest endurance sports out there. It requires a combination of technique, strength and condition. In a survivalrun you combine running (on various different types of terrains) with obstacles. While this sounds very similar to an obstacle run (mud masters / strong viking / etc.), it is actually slightly different. At mudmasters for instance you will find 15 obstacles on a 6km run, at a survivalrun you’ll find at least 30. The type of obstacles which you will come across are also different. Survivalrun obstacles often require some techniques, such as rope climbing, to complete. A few examples of common survivalrun obstacles are:
The swingover / budgee
With this obstacle the goal is to get over the top bar or beam using a rope.
The “apenhang/monkeyclimb”
The monkeyclimb, also sometimes called “monkeyhang”, is used to traverse horizontally over a rope. Often this obstacle is used to cross a river or another body of water.
Net climbing
On the net you usually climb over it, under it or both.
Combination obstacles
In a combination obstacle multiple obstacles are combined in to one requiring maximal endurance to overcome the obstacle.
And a lot more…
For more information about survivalruns checkout the website of the dutch survivalrun union survivalrunbond.nl (sorry dutch only).