Construction maintenance day

November 14th @ 11:00 - December 14th @ 17:00

It is time for construction maintenance and some different obstacles in the construction! On the Sunday after exams, 14th November, the members of the Parkour Committee need your help!


Come by the All Terrain construction at 11.00 to give us a hand updating the construction. All help is appreciated, whether you can tie knots and handle tools or not. Many hands is easier work, and more people the merrier, so it would be great to see you there.


If you are new to AT, and are curious what this is all about, we would especially love to see you there, getting familiar with how the construction is built and maintained! Feel free to ask any questions to the email address below.


Lunch will be provided. Please sign up below so we know how many to provide lunch for! If you don’t sign up, then we won’t know to make lunch for you 🙁

Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.


Details and Registration

Date and Time
2021-11-14 11:00
2021-12-14 17:00

For more information or registrations please login first.

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