May 30th @ 10:00 - June 2nd @ 18:00

Want to have a nice active weekend for ascencion this year?

What about joining All Terrain for 4 busy days of sport and fun? This year we will head south to the beautiful Mullerthal area in Luxembourgh. The activities are still being planned as we speak, but to give you a few hints, this area is perfect for hiking, mountainbiking, exploring caves, rock climbing and enjoying nice scenery.

Of course like every All Terrain weekend you can also expect home-made (barbecued) food, some games, board games, alcohol, and camping!
The weekend will cost between € 60-€75

Subscriptions have closed as of 21-5-2019, if you subscribe you will be put on the reserve list.

Details and Registration

Date and Time
2019-05-30 10:00
2019-06-02 18:00

For more information or registrations please login first.

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