International cooking night

May 25th @ 18:30 - May 25th @ 23:00

Once a year, we celebrate to be a pretty international association. We are doing our best to welcome foreigners, and it is time to enjoy (more than ever) their presence!
The idea with the international cooking night is to have a potluck diner where everybody brings a dish from his/her country and eventually we all share the delicious food. Of course a lot of All Terrainers are Dutch, but if you have some foreign roots in the family, have been living abroad for a while, or just enjoy the cooking of another country, please feel free to represent another country than the Netherlands (we don’t want to eat only bitterballen!!!)

Important remark: Don’t think you need to prepare for an army! If everyone brings as much food as they would eat for a meal (if they were exclusively eating their dish) there should be more than enough food.

If you need to prepare/warm anything up please let us know ahead of time, we need to make sure that whatever you need is possible! Concerning the time, food should be ready for 19:00.

To be sure that the food is balanced (not only deserts for example), please subscribe on this google sheet .

Details and Registration

Date and Time
2019-05-25 18:30
2019-05-25 23:00

For more information or registrations please login first.

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