An important part of being a member of All Terrain is to be able to make proper knots. Not only is it cool to know how to properly make certain knots, it is also essential and helpful during the preparations of our regular training sessions.Hence, every now and then, a knotting course is organized.
This year the course will be organized in November and will consist of two tutorials, given 30 minutes before the regular training starts.
During this half hour you will learn the basic ins- and outs of the most important knots.
If you wish to improve your knot making skills, this is a perfect opportunity to do so.
first tutorial: 22nd of November, at the SSC meeting room. Starting at 18:30
Follow up tutorial: 29th of November, location TBD. Starting at 18:30
During the training sessions in the weeks that follow there will be room to practice these knots under supervision.
See you all there!