Past Events

Exchange NSSV FEL

So on the 17th until the 19th we had the National Student Survival Weekend (NSSW) and it was really a lot of fun. Now the next time to see all those people again is already next weekend. As you might have noticed we have been going around joining a training at all the other associations, this time we will be going to Nijmegen. They promise us a nice training, food, and a good time so please do not hesitate to click this nice button here and join us there. :) Register Here
2017-02-25 13:00
2017-03-25 23:00


The Dutch Student Survival Weekend (NSSW) is a sporty weekend away with lots of fun outdoor activities, together with all the Dutch student survival teams. So, apart from the activities it’s also a great opportunity to meet members of the other survival teams! The price of the weekend (all inclusive) will be 55 euros.
2017-02-17 20:00
2017-02-19 17:00

Christmas Dinner :D

We all put a lot of effort in maintaining a great shape, on the 23th of December we face yet another opportunity to do so. Keep in mind that round is also a really nice shape which can be maintained. That is why we have the Christmas dinner :D We will do our very best to make a delicious multi-course dinner for all you guys and have a really nice evening. If you have allergies or other weaknesses against or preferences of food, please notify us. The location is yet to be unknown since we don't know how many of you will join. Also, if you like cooking and want to help with the preparations, let us know! Hope to see you all on the 23th!
2016-12-23 20:00

Exchange Slopend


On saturday 10 december the first axchange training of the year will take place. We will aim to start 14:00 at the obstacle course of Slopend and the training will end after around 2 hours. After the training you can have dinner with us.

You can register HERE!

2016-12-10 14:00
2016-12-10 16:00

Knotting Course

Hey everybody, So now that the intro weekend has passed, we have a bit of time to do some other important stuff. Every year we want to teach you guys the knots we use not only during the training, but on more occasions too. For this we have our very own knotting course! In this we help you understand and practice a number of knots. We would really like all of our newer (and some older) members to join. :) Some more info: We'll be giving this course every other week starting the 30th at 18:45. Here we'll be explaining the knots and helping you practice them. You'll receive a booklet containing more directions about the knots we'll be making. If you want to join up for the course, click the register button down below. This way we'll know how many booklets to make.
2016-11-30 18:45
2016-12-28 19:15

2e Intro weekend


Onze eerdere poging een introweekend te houden lukte helaas niet, maar we kunnen natuurlijk niet zonder. Daarom gaven wij de keus voor een nieuwe datum aan jullie. Jullie keuze viel op het weekend van 21 t/m 23 oktober, dus dat is wat we gaan doen! Om iedereen kennis te laten maken met de andere mensen in de vereniging en onze weekenden, hebben we elk jaar ook weer ons eigen introductie weekend. Waar we heen gaan en wat we gaan doen is nog een geheim maar wat we wel al kunnen beloven is gezelligheid, genieten en lekker bewegen. Twijfel dus niet om jezelf ook in te schrijven want hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugd!


2016-10-21 17:00
2016-10-23 17:00

Exchange Da Vinci

We're having an exchange with Da Vinci! Da Vinci is the Student Archery Association and Monday the 4th we'll join them for a training. So if you want to train your archery skills or if you just want to join for something different and fun register here.
2016-07-04 18:00
2016-07-04 22:00