On Sunday 17November the survivalrun in Adegem in Belgium will be held. This is not one of the standard runs that All Terrain joins every year but it is still a nice run. One car ful of people allready arranged themselves that they are going (Bram, Melanie, Perry, Laurence and maybe Jesse).
Adegem has quite a lot of possible distances:
-7km recreative (1 license point), also possible in couples or groups (no points)
-10km recreative (2 points), also possible in couples or groups (no points)
– 11km competitive (2points)
– MSR 11km (license needed)
– 17km competitive (3 points)
– LSR 17km (license needed)
– X-treme run 25km (3points)
The run itself will cost €25. Since we won’t have a ssce van we need more cars if more people want to join. Transportation costs will be between €8 and 12.
More information on the run can be found here. Subscribing to te event can be done here and is possible until sunday November 10th. Subscribe for transportation below.