The 21st of December there will be no regular training, however we do have the van Lint week…
The last week before Christmas holidays there is every year the famous “van Lint week”. It is called after the famous prof. dr. Van Lint, previous head of the section Sport and he made sure studentsport came to Eindhoven.
This week we will participate in a number of different special and fun sport tournaments against other associations. The tournaments first round will start at 17:30 and the second round starts at 21:00.
AT will participate in the following sports:
With the finals taking place Thursday December 22nd 21:00-0:00
Register below to join our teams, we have a max size of 7-8. (If we’re too full, you get priority if you had indicated your interest)
Furthermore All Terrain organizes the Assault Course on Thursday December 22nd. We could still use some hands building up/refereeing starting at 16:00. You can also come chill with us and do the Assault Course when no matches are going on.
Lastly during the Van Lint there will be a wardrobe to leave your stuff when you’re playing sports the ESSF is still looking for people to help man it.