Van Lint Week

December 18th @ 17:30 - December 21st @ 00:00

This week we will participate in a number of different small sport tournaments against other associations. From Monday till Thursday there will be a wide range of sports. The tournaments first round will start at 17:30 and the second round starts at 21:00.  Afterwards there will be a party in the canteen. Participation is for free. To make sure we have enough people for every tournament please write your name here for the sports you want to participate. Just passing by is also possible. If possible bring your green All Terrain shirt. It is not possible to pay by pin at the SSC during this week. See you there!



Write down your name in the field you want to participate, so we can see if we have enough players. More information about the tournaments will be provided as soon as we get more information from the VanLint Week.

Details and Registration

Date and Time
2017-12-18 17:30
2017-12-21 00:00

For more information or registrations please login first.

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