On a cold Sunday morning 10 All Terrainers left for Dinxperlo for the yearly Dinxperloop. For some this was almost their 10th Dinxperloop, for others it was their first survivalrun. This year the run was packed with some challenging obstacles, however everyone still finished nicely on time. Since everyone ran so fast we unfortunately did not make it in any pictures, so you’ll have to take my word that we were had a lot of fun. Below you can find the results of all All Terrain members.


Rank Name Time Missed obstacles Score
23  Ferry 01:03:33 0 966.43
47 Gar 01:18:13 0 937.10
74 Jesse 01:28:42 0 916.13
81 Justin 01:31:50 0 909.87
136 Tom 02:06:50 0 839.87


Rank Name Time Missed obstacles Score
12 Michelle 00:48:14 0 973.00
20 Marieke 00:56:00 0 957.47
21 Oscar 00:56:30 0 956.47
92 Eva 01:40:26 1 628.60
98 Anne 01:40:56 1 387.60