Defensity College meets Eindhoven

Defensity College comes to Eindhoven to meet you! Defensity college is een programma waarin je werkt aan je leiderschapskwaliteiten! Ben jij student en zoek je een bijbaan waarin je unieke kennis en ervaring kunt opdoen? Ervaar dan de wereld van Defensie al tijdens je studie. Deze middag begint met een…

The OSMO review, How is OSMO doing?

We have been doing the OSMO for about half a year now. An excellent moment to look back and see what everyone thinks. What can be improved, what are our tips and tops. We asked the AT'ers what they think so far. (Note that this is being updated regularly as…

Review: Survivalrun U-Battle

Run U-Battle 7.5 KM Date 23 June 2019 Difficulty (what's this?) T1 Rating Highly Recommended About a week ago, we participated in the U-Battle Run with All Terrain. This run takes place in Den Bosch, so it was close to home, for a change. In total, we participated with about…
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