General Members Meeting (ALV/GMM)
This year the General Members Meeting will look a bit different than usual. As we cannot host meetings in person at the moment, we will move the meeting to a digital form. This meeting will be hosted on Zoom on tuesday the 21st of April starting at 19:30. The access link to the meeting will be provided beforehand.
During the meeting we, the 29th board, will present an annual report along with an overview of the finances of this year. Furthermore, the 30th board will be elected during this meeting, with the candidates as follows:
Chairman: Laurence Moutafov
Secretary: Raymond van de Ven
Treasurer: Carlijn Sebregts
Activities Officer: Jesse van Oort
Competition Officer: Olivia Ahlborn
The agenda for the meeting and the minutes of last years meeting should have been sent via email. If you have not recieved this yet please contact us. If you are unable to attend the meeting but still want your vote to be cast you can authorise another person to vote for you. Authorisations can be sent to and must be done before April 20th, 18:00. Note that attendees are not allowed to hold more than two authorisations.
Please register to this event if you are going to attend the meeting, this makes it clear how many people we can expect during the online meeting.
2020-04-21 19:30
2020-04-21 23:00