Hello All and Old Terrain,

I almost forgot but I am just in time. Here is the newsletter for the month of March.


The past month was nice and quiet, the reason for this being to prepare for all the awesome events we have planned for April. We still did something to put in the review though.

Aerial Silks

As elegant as this has no All Terrainer ever been, this month we had an exchange with the people from aerial silks and received a nice workshop from them. High in the curtains we were explained how to get ourselves into all sorts of beautiful poses. The pictures from this can be found right here on the website.

In the planning

April is going to be a fun month, and after this it is only going to get better! To spare you a bit I will explain the biggest events down here.

Diving Workshop

There is a lot of fun to be had underwater. To learn how to do this the nice people over at diving association Scyllus will teach us on the 14th of april. We will take it easy though and remain in the safety of the pool.


Running, for some it is therapeutic while for others it is an hellish task. This did not stop us though when we decided to subscribe for the batavierenrace this year. Our team is complete and you can find us on the 28th of April on the starting line. Hopefully you can also find us again the next day somewhere close to the finish line as well.

General Members Assembly

It is with mixed feelings that I tell you that this will most likely be the last newsletter that I will be making for all of you. This is because on the 24th of April we will have our yearly GMA. Besides showing everybody what we did and achieved this year will this also be the moment for all of you to choose a new board for the year to come.

All Terrain Survival Challenge

The hints have been given and now I am here to confirm it: On the 10th of June All Terrain will have his very own survivalrun! An absolutely epic event where all students throughout the Netherlands will compete to show they can survive the obstacles we put in their way. For this we will need a lot of volunteers though. If you are willing to help us out you can click this shiny button:
Shiny Button
But there is also another option, you can also compete yourself and for this you can click another shiny button:
Another Shiny Button

Survival runs

Apparently it is time for the student runs. All the next runs we have in our agenda are runs made by our sister associations.

Delft 13 May 5 and 9 km
Nijmegen 22 May 5.5 km
Eindhoven 10 June 5 and 7 km
Utrecht 13 June 6.5 km