Past Events

Survival Run Simius Hircus

We got Simius Hircus to find 6 spots to participate in their race. If you want to join and use the transportation provided by us. Register yourself below, the costs will be 16,60 euro for participation and transportation. We will forward the registrations made here to Simius Hircus.
2017-06-13 18:00
2017-06-13 22:00

Spontaneous BBQ

Since there is no training tonight, and some of you might be concidering to go to the SSC party in the evening, we tought it would be nice to randomly organize a BBQ! You are all invited, subscribing is possible untill 1600. We will arange the food and the drinks, the only thing you need to do is show up. The locations is about 5 minutes of walking from the campus, the specific location can be found in the whatssap chat that we will put you in after subscribing :) For any questions you can always ask Bart van Assem, also if you want want to help to prepare, you are to welcome.
2017-05-31 18:30
2017-05-31 21:30


Hey everybody, Every year we have HOLHOW, this stands for: The Very Long Ascension-day Outdoor Weekend (it makes more sense in dutch). Not only is this an awesome weekend, it is an extra long weekend. Starting on Thursday and ending on Sunday. Every year this weekend has a special theme and this year it is going to be all about sabotage >:D The location is so secret that even we do not know it yet, the date will be from the 25th of may until the 28th. So reserve those dates in your agendas.
2017-05-25 19:00
2017-05-28 17:00

SurviFELstrijd Nijmegen

The first edition of the SurviFELrun will be held on Monday the 22nd of may! The run will be 5,5 km long with about 24 obstacles. Costs: €10,- pp Categories: solo group of 4 people Register Here
2017-05-22 18:30
2017-05-22 20:30

SurvivalStrijd Conquer the Campus Delft

On Saturday May 13th S.B.V. Slopend hosts the SurvivalStrijd, a yearly run on the TU Delft campus! Categories: Seven City Survival Battle (9km, €15,00) Short Run (groups 5,5km, €6,50pp) Short Run (individuals 5,5km, €6,50pp) (€6,00 extra for non-SBN members) Register Here
2017-05-13 11:00
2017-05-13 18:00

Exchange Tartaros

Op zaterdag 6 mei is het al zover, de allerlaatste uitwisseling van het jaar! D.S.S.V. Tartaros zal voor iedereen een hartstikke leuke training organiseren op de campus in Enschede. Op zondag 7 mei wordt de wedstrijd in Oldenzaal gehouden. Twee keer in één weekend lang in de trein zitten vindt niemand leuk, dus we hebben in samenwerking met het Outdoor Challenge Park een heel weekendprogramma opgezet! Voor hun wedstrijd zijn ze namelijk nog hard op zoek naar vrijwilligers, en wij zijn als echte survivalrunners natuurlijk niet te beroerd om daarmee te helpen! In ruil daarvoor krijg je de kans om zaterdagmiddag de wedstrijd voor te lopen. Van zaterdag op zondag is het mogelijk te overnachten bij de paalkampeerplaats op 200 meter lopen van het wedstrijdterrein. Programma: Zaterdag 14:00 Training bij Tartaros / Warming-up bij Tartaros voor de vrijwilligers van Oldenzaal 15:00 Vrijwilligers vertrekken naar Oldenzaal voor het lopen van de wedstrijd 16:00 Training bij Tartaros afgelopen en vertrek naar Oldenzaal / Wedstrijd vrijwilligers 7 km of 12 km. 18:00 BBQ in Oldenzaal Zondag Ochtend Wedstrijd Oldenzaal Natuurlijk doen wij ons uiterste best hier een supergaaf weekend van te maken, maar echt leuk wordt het pas als jij erbij bent. Schrijf je dus snel in! The last exchange of the year organised by Tarteros (Enschede) takes place on 6 may. They are still looking for volunteers, so if you have time you can stay and volunteer on Sunday. You can sleep at a pole campsite. Register Here
2017-05-06 12:00
2017-04-07 17:00

First Friday Training


It took us a while but we're finally ready for the first Friday training!

For those whom don't know what the friday training is, it is an extra survivalrun-training. This training is for those whom want to train more than just once a week (so it is not meant to be an alternative for the Wednesday).

If you want to join this first training you need to join the union (SBN) and register below.

2017-04-21 19:15
2017-04-21 21:00

Diving Exchange

Hello Everybody, On the 14th of April I arranged a diving exchange. So it is possible for you to experience an introduction dive in the swimming pool of the students sports centre. It will start at 19.30 and will cost you only 5 euros. You only have to bring your swimming stuff and the rest will be arranged by the diving association Scyllus. Hope to see you all there!
The registrations close 2017-03-31!
2017-04-14 19:30
2017-04-14 21:00

International Cooking Night

On Saturday April 1st, the fourth edition of the international cooking night will take place. During this night we will be able to try all kinds of foods from the whole world, cooked by our own members. we would like to know a bit more then just who is coming, so please fill in this little form after you press the register button :) Shiny Button
2017-04-01 19:00
2017-04-01 23:59