Past Events

International Cooking Night

Can you hear this noise? The opening of beer bottles, the rattling sound from the cuttleries, and the joyful hubbub from All Terrainers? International cooking night is coming! The idea is that you bring your favourite dish for the evening and we will all share the delicious food! Don't think you need to prepare for an army! If everyone brings as much food as they would eat for a meal (if they were exclusively eating their dish for supper) there should be more than enough food. If you need to prepare/warm anything up at our place please let us know ahead of time. The kitchen and cooking facilities are quite limited so we need to make sure that whatever you need is possible! Concerning the time, food should be ready for 19:00. Location:

's Gravesandestraat 1

5612 JM Eindhoven

2018-02-02 18:00
2018-02-03 01:00

Exchange slopend

The BOSSO organises exchange trainings with all student survival clubs throughout the whole country. In this way we can learn new things from other clubs and stay in contact with all the nice people at the other clubs. On January 13th we'll visit Slopend in Delft and have a training together with them. The training will start at 14.00, afterwards there is a possibility to join for dinner and perhaps a few games. Subscribe HERE for the exchange, if you would like to carpool with All Terrain subscribe for this event as well.    
2018-01-13 14:00
2018-01-13 22:00

Van Lint Week

This week we will participate in a number of different small sport tournaments against other associations. From Monday till Thursday there will be a wide range of sports. The tournaments first round will start at 17:30 and the second round starts at 21:00.  Afterwards there will be a party in the canteen. Participation is for free. To make sure we have enough people for every tournament please write your name here for the sports you want to participate. Just passing by is also possible. If possible bring your green All Terrain shirt. It is not possible to pay by pin at the SSC during this week. See you there!   SUBSCRIBE: HERE Write down your name in the field you want to participate, so we can see if we have enough players. More information about the tournaments will be provided as soon as we get more information from the VanLint Week.
2017-12-18 17:30
2017-12-21 00:00


The run for beginners as we usually promote it. This will be the run that is most suitable to start with if you joined All Terrain this year. There will be plenty of people assisting you to get over all the obstacles. Transportation will be provided off course, at a cost of 12.5 euro. You can register for a car spot with this event. This is the perfect opportunity for beginners to get to know the sport better. Direct registration can be found here. More information can be found here. Photo's of previous year can be found here.

Christmas Dinner

We all put a lot of effort in maintaining a great shape, on the 15th of December we face another opportunity to do so. Keep in mind that round is also a really nice shape, which can be maintained. That is why we have the Christmas dinner! We will do our best to make a delicious multi-course dinner.   If you have allergies or other weaknesses for some kind of food, please notify us. The dinner will be hosted at Guy's and Ineke's new house, so housewarming presents are more than welcome. Also, if you like cooking and want to help with the preparations, let us know! For the people who do not have a room in Eindhoven yet, some couches will be available.   The costs for this wonderful evening will be 12 euro per person, please transfer the money to NL93 INGB 0000 1293 93 in name of Eerste Studenten All Terrain Sportvereniging, please note your name and Christmas dinner in the description. Hope to see you all on the 15th!   There are maximum 25 spots available, AT members have priority.
2017-12-15 18:00
2017-12-16 01:00

BOSSO Exchange (FEL)

Origineel: Aloha survivallende studenten! 9 december is het zover! Dan mag NSSV FEL jullie allemaal ontvangen voor een toffe uitwisseling! De training zal om 14.00u beginnen! Daarna zal er voor de liefhebbers een lekker maaltje klaarstaan om dit bij het kampvuur op te eten, omnomnom. Als je mee-eet kan je dit op onderstaand formulier aangeven en graag vóór 8 december ff 5 doekoes overmaken naar NL06RABO0302693491 t.n.v. Nijmeegse Studenten Survival o.v.v. je naam + BOSSO-uitwisseling eten Trainingslocatie: 't Feldje Adres: d'Almarasweg 20 6525 DW, Nijmegen   My attempt for translating the above Aloha survivaling students! On the 9th of December NSSV Fel can welcome you all for a neat exchange! The training will start at 14:00 and for those who want, there is a nice meal afterwards to eat around a campfire. If you want to join the meal, you can subscribe on the form below and we would like to ask you to transfer 5 euro's to NL06RABO0302693491 in the name of 'Nijmeegse Studenten Survival' with a description: your name + BOSSO-exchange food.   Some other practical info: It will probably be cold, even with a campfire. So bring a sweater! If you want to join the All Terrain transportation, register for this event! This does not include their form. Their form can be found here:    
2017-12-09 14:00
2017-12-09 16:00

Survival Run Hang-On

Survival Run Hang-on is a challenging and exciting race in Doorn. With 24 years of experience they always know how to make in impressing route for us. The subscriptions are beginning to get full, so you should subscribe quickly. More information can be found here (Dutch version) and a direct registration can be done here. Register for either: 8KM Individueel (individual), koppel (pair) or groep (group). Transportation will be provided by All Terrain, the costs for this is 10 euro. Register on this event if you would like to make use of it.

Knotting course


An important part of being a member of All Terrain is to be able to make proper knots. Not only is it cool to know how to properly make certain knots, it is also essential and helpful during the preparations of our regular training sessions.Hence, every now and then, a knotting course is organized.
This year the course will be organized in November and will consist of two tutorials, given 30 minutes before the regular training starts. 

During this half hour you will learn the basic ins- and outs of the most important knots.
If you wish to improve your knot making skills, this is a perfect opportunity to do so. Dates: first tutorial:                    22nd of November, at the SSC meeting room. Starting at 18:30 Follow up tutorial:          29th  of November, location TBD. Starting at  18:30 During the training sessions in the weeks that follow there will be room to practice these knots under supervision. See you all there!
2017-11-22 18:30
2017-11-22 19:00

BOSSO Exchange

Dear survival enthusiasts, it's time to do some BOSSO exchange again. All Terrain is privileged to do the first one of this season! For those who don't know what BOSSO means: Its the 'Bestuurlijk Overkoepelend Studenten Survival Orgaan' which loosly translates to 'Awesome National Student Survival Association'. So with a bunch of student we're going to do survival and other student stuff which may involve beer. This time we even got some special guests to show us how to combine sports with healthy food. During the exchange we'll try to set up a interesting training for everyone. After a shower we can get some food all together at Ajaxlaan 29 in Eindhoven (800 m from the sports center). The costs for the food and beer will be 6 euro per person. If you want food, please select the checkbox with the registration and transfer the money to NL93 INGB 0000 1293 93 on the name of Eerste Studenten All Terrain Sportvereniging, please also note your name and BOSSO Exchange in the description.
2017-11-19 14:00
2017-11-19 16:00

Introduction Weekend

With the beginning of the new academic year, we also welcomed a lot of new members in our group. To celebrate this All Terrain annually organizes a weekend away. All members are welcome to join, subscribing to the weekend can be done on this page. During the introduction weekend, we will go camping in the Belgium Ardennes. During the day and evening, a great variety of activities will be organized. The weekend will include food, shelter, transportation and a whole lot of fun. Subscribing can be done on this page. The costs for the weekend will be 50 euro's. Hope to see you all there!
2017-11-10 17:00
2017-11-12 17:00