Hello All Terrain,
While we continue like madman on the organization of our own run. The constant flow of activities will never end! Here, you can find a bit of information for what’s to come and what’s been done.
For the planning
Only two weeks left until our very own run! For this we could still use some more volunteers. So for more information, you can go to: All Terrain Survival Challenge.
Survival Run Utrecht
For the survival run in Utrecht on the 13th of June we are able to fill 10 spots. But be quick to register, because they are wanted! Registration can be done here: Simius Hircus Run
With the summer getting nearer, it is time to start with the organization of Ultiem. This is our summer holiday for student prizes. If you are interested in this holday, register yourself on the event and we will initiate the organization of the holiday. Event: Ultiem
In the past
Survivalstrijd Delft en SurviFELrun Nijmegen
At the runs of Delft on the 13th of may and the run in Nijmegen on the 22th of may, we did a very good job at not becoming last on a survivalrun. The start has been made, this trend can be continued in order to beat our sister associations at our own run!
During HOLHOW (which stands for: The Incredibly Long Ascension-day Outdoor Weekend) we were able to enjoy beautiful weather near the idealistic village of IJzendijke. During the weekend we conquered the sandy beaches of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen and played lots of games. Concluding, it was a very nice weekend! Photo’s will be uploaded soon!
Since the lustrum party of the SSC will be today, the training was canceled. In order to keep us of the streets, a nice BBQ was organized. And all of that on one day.