
Join us for the world wide treasure hunt already thousands and thousands of people joined: geocaching!   During this geocaching event we will introduce you to multiple types of geocaches and at the same time you get to know some hidden spots in Eindhoven. We will look for "classical geocaches"…

Knotting Course

In the outdoors strings and ropes can be useful in many, many ways, but most of the time that starts with a knot. Knowing your knots is not just handy for setting up your shelter, but is also needed for setting up the training obstacles. So if you are doing…

NK Sprint Orienteering Eindhoven

If you have been enjoying the orienteering workshops, and want to try your skills in a competitive setting, here is your chance! The Dutch orienteering committee (or NOLB, 'Nederlandse OrientatieLoop Bond') is organizing a sprint orienteering race in the centre of Eindhoven on 12th December.   This is not an…

Orienteering workshop #3 2021

Be aware this workshop is open to non-members as well. Want to bring your student buddy along? That's possible! Non-members register through this form. AT members please proceed to the login below (this webpage) to register for this workshop.   On Saturday 4th of December at the Stratumse Heide (here,…

Orienteering workshop #2 2021

Be aware this workshop is open to non-members as well. Want to bring your student buddy along? That's possible! Non-members register through this form (problems registering? please contact AT members please proceed to the login below (this webpage) to register for this workshop.   On Tuesday 23rd November at…

Winter Wonder Week [closed for subscriptions]

All Terrain goes up the mountain to go skiing and snowboarding on the fabulous Winter Wonder Week. You don't need experience or have your own equipment to join. We will make sure everyone gets training and can rent equipment. Furthermore, we will be in a nice bungalow park with our…

Orienteering Workshop #1 2021

Be aware this workshop is open to non-members as well. Want to bring your student buddy along? That's possible! Non-members register through this form. AT members please proceed to the login below (this webpage) to register for this workshop.   The first orienteering workshop of this college year will take…

Knotting 2021

In the outdoors strings and ropes can be useful in many, many ways, but most of the time that starts with a knot. Knowing your knots is not just handy for setting up your shelter, but is also needed for setting up the training obstacles. So if you are doing…

(After ATC) Orienteering

Do you like reading maps and love to find your way across different terrain? Then orienteering could be just your thing!   Sunday the 10th of October we have another opportunity to enjoy this sport. The ATC has gracefully offered to let some of their work to be reused, so…
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