Hello All Terrain,
While the weather is getting darker and colder and everyone it in the mid of their exams, All Terrain is working hard on the organisation of all sorts of events.
In the planning
November is a busy month, almost every week there will be some activity.
Introduction weekend
The introduction weekend will take place coming weekend. The last preparations are being made and the planning is promising a fantastic weekend. This year a record amount of 19 participants will join. The last information was send by mail, if you didn’t receive it contact [anti-spam-tag].
BOSSO exchange
On the 19th of November its time for the exchange with all the student associations in the Netherlands. The training will be from 14:00 to 16:00 and afterwards we can drink beer and have some dinner afterwards. You can subscribe here, so the cooking committee know how much food has to be prepared.
Thibault is looking for runners
For his study, Thibault is looking for participants that run regularly and either have an injury from over-usage or no injury in the last year. With the research they will monitor you for 12 minutes with some high-tech pressure measurement soles. The research will attempt to find a correlation between the pressure pattern of the foot and some injuries to find a method for preventing new injuries. So if you’re interested or you finally want to get rid of your bad knee, check more info here.
Knotting course
To make sure that building the obstacles before a training goes quick and smooth we think it’s important to make sure everyone knows the basic knots. For this we arrange a knotting course on the 22 of November. During the knotting course just before the regular training you’ll learn two new knots that can be practiced while building the obstacles. You can subscribe for the course here.
Survival run hang on
One of the more challenging runs of the season. On the 25th of november it’s time to conquer the ‘hills’ of Utrecht.
Orientation run training
To get more people enthusiastic for orienteering and to fill the void on Mondays that remains now that we can’t mountainbike anymore, we’re organizing a orienteering training on the 27th of November. Here you can practice how to do Adventure Races like our own All Terrain Challenge. If the training will be a success we’ll organize more on Mondays. You can subscribe here.
Even though the subscriptions are full, we can subscribe you or spam you if you want to join. The only thing you need to do is send a nice mail to Justin on [anti-spam-tag].
What happened last month
Tartaros Campus Challenge
On the 8th of Oktober we travelled all the way to Enchede to participate in the Dutch Student Survival Championships. We got some nice results there, with Thibault getting the 4th place with only 16 seconds of difference with the 3th place. Justin managed to get the 7th place followed by Bram on the 8th place. So certainly a trip that was worthwhile.
Survivalrun Ede’s Best
We were challenged by the organization of the Ede’s Best run for the association competition to send our best runner, so we send Gerard. while having competition from the best runners in the Netherlands, Gerard managed to get a 7th place. A result we are very proud of!
Indoor training
While the weather is getting colder the time comes to start training inside again. During the level practice on the 25th of Oktober we tested everyone’s skills and split the group in the A (Advanced) and T (Training) group. Information on which group you have been appointed, the full training schema to sync to your phone or a convenient tool to find out where you’re supposed to be during the next training can all be found on the website.