All Terrain is a student sports association which mainly focuses on survival running. We also do mountain biking, (obstacle)running, climbing, mountaineering, canoeing, and orienteering. We train up to three times a week, general survival run training on Wednesday and advanced survival run training on Monday and Friday. We organize a lot of other outdoor sports activities as well during the year. We also organize many weekend getaways during which we go camping somewhere out in nature. Furthermore, we organize courses on climbing techniques, knotting, canoeing, bushcraft and a wide variety of other (social) activities. Do you like being active and would you rather be enjoying the fresh outside air instead of sitting inside in the gym? Then feel free to join a Wednesday training.

Latest news

Happy New year!

We would like to wish everybody the happiest of new years, may 2017 hold great adventures for you all.

Newsletter december

Hello All and Old Terrainers! Despite all activities of the holidays, we found you guys some time to make a newsletter. Review December was nice and busy so there are a few things to look back into. Dinxperloop On the 19th of december the Dinxperloop was held, in the no…

All Terrain 3.0

As some of you might have already guessed by the countdown on the right: We're in the final stages for version 3.0 of the All Terrain site. The development preview is live at and because one of the most important improvements to this version is stability, we would like…

Chairman of the SSN Board

Since the vacancy is only for a Dutchman only in Dutch. Vanuit de landelijke koepel SSN is er een vacature vrijgekomen voor een voorzitter. De SSN is er ter vertegenwoordiging van alle studenten sport in Nederland. En vanuit hun komen onder andere de GNSK en StuWi commissies. Als je interesse…

Newsletter October

Newsletter October   2016/10/31 - Eindhoven Hello All and Old Terrainers, The month of October is at an end and that means it's time for another newsletter. What happened Introduction Weekend Although our first attempt to welcome all the new members had to be canceled, does not mean we are…

Mountainbike races

Dear All and Old Terrainers, Since the mountainbike season has ended and we can never get enough of mountainbiking. We want to join the tours and races around Eindhoven with a group. So if you want to join or want to be kept up-to-date on the tours and races around…

Date 2nd introweekend

Hey everybody! Earlier we asked you guys when you wanted to have the intro weekend by a pol. The results of this pol is the weekend off the 21stĀ tillĀ 23rd of oktober. So get your agendas out en write it down because we want to make an awesome weekend with as…

Emergency Response (BHV) Cource

Every year the TU/e organizes a course to train emergency response. In this course you will learn first aid, fire fighting and evacuation. The course will be two days and it is completely free. The courses for this year are: First Course First Aid (EHBO): November 10th 08:30-17:30 Firefighting and…

Introductie weekend 2016

Hey Iedereen, Zoals elk jaar hebben we weer een introductie weekend om alle nieuwe leden welkom te heten bij All Terrain en leuk kennis met elkaar te maken. Dit jaar hebben we het weekend van 23 t/m 25 september gekozen dus zet hem in je agenda en klik hier even…

Training Schedule

Hello, The new training schedule for this year is ready an can be found here. (more…)