All Terrain is a student sports association which mainly focuses on survival running. We also do mountain biking, (obstacle)running, climbing, mountaineering, canoeing, and orienteering. We train up to three times a week, general survival run training on Wednesday and advanced survival run training on Monday and Friday. We organize a lot of other outdoor sports activities as well during the year. We also organize many weekend getaways during which we go camping somewhere out in nature. Furthermore, we organize courses on climbing techniques, knotting, canoeing, bushcraft and a wide variety of other (social) activities. Do you like being active and would you rather be enjoying the fresh outside air instead of sitting inside in the gym? Then feel free to join a Wednesday training.

Latest news

No training on May 31st

Coming Wednesday May 31st the SSC will be celebrating their 50 year anniversary. Due to this there will be no All Terrain training on this day. Instead, the training will be on Tuesday the 30th of May at 19.30 (gather at 19.15).

Newsletter April

Hello All Terrain, The honorable task of providing all of you with some information has been past with the previous GA. So this will be the first attempt in doing so. Review In the month of April we have been occupied with preparations of the GA. We also had some…

Newsletter March

Hello All and Old Terrain, I almost forgot but I am just in time. Here is the newsletter for the month of March. Review The past month was nice and quiet, the reason for this being to prepare for all the awesome events we have planned for April. We still…

Mountain biking

Good news, the Mountainbike season has arrived! So grab your bike from the shed and join our Monday rides! From March 27th until October 23th we have the weekly mountainbike training. We gather in front of the sports center (SSC), every Monday, at 6 PM. Be in time, we leave…

Newsletter February

Hello All and Old Terrainers! Febrauri, although not the most special of months, it certainly was not boring. Review This month we went on in playing together with our sister associations. NSSW In the weekend from the 17th untill the 19th of February we had the National Student Survival Weekend.…

Friday Training

April 21st It took us a while but we're finally ready for the first Friday training! For those whom don't know what the friday training is, it is an extra survivalrun-training. This training is for those whom want to train more than just once a week (so it is not…

All Terrain 3.0

The site has had a new makeover! The Theme is updated and is now better supported on mobile phones and all other plugins are rebuild from scratch. And the plugins have also been build from scratch! This time focused on stability and reliability (not a lot of new functions, but…

Members of the SBN

As of today, we're part of the Dutch Survival Association (SBN) and that means that we can start organizing extra training sessions for members whom also have a membership with the SBN. As we've polled when we started the registration process with the SBN (Results), Friday was the most popular…

Newsletter January

Hello All and Old Terrainers! Now that we are used to the new year, it's time for another newsletter. Review It was time for a bit of rest after the hectic time of December, that is why we took it easy this month. Exchange day On the 14th of January…

SSCE Van Driving Lessons

It has come to the attention of the ESSF that some people find it scary to drive a van without any prior experience and therefore wants to know if people would be interested in a course. If you are interested, please add a comment below (than I can bundle it…